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FRP Grating

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FRP grating

FRP Composite grating for Drain | FRP gully grating Manufacturer

The gully grate is a filter plate at the sewer entrance on the street. Whether square or round, it is usually flat on it. It will not hinder the passage of traffic, beautify the road, and prevent theft. FRP Composite grating is A new kind of  water grate.It has many advantages which can be instead of Iron grating. FRP water grate, …


    We have facility to produce Composite manhole cover & Drainage grating, SMC sheet, SMC manhole cover, Ductile Iron manhole cover, drainage ditch,ETC. We are also ready to developement by according to users changing needs.


    Changxing County,Huzhou City,Zhejiang,China

    Tel:+86 15268233362