Best soulution for outdoor manhole with cover from China

bmc composite pit cover

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B125 BMC composite-manhole-cover

Runway composite Pit Cover with Round and Sauqre shape from China

Manhole covers are required where utilities such as tap water, telecommunications, electricity, gas, heat, fire, sanitation and so on. Bike lane ,sidewalk, Runway need install our Composite Pit cover sometimes.The Loading capacity of the cover usually use A15, 2.5 Tons, 5 Tons, 10Tons, B125,20Tons and C250. Polymer matrix composites are mainly used for manhole cover and Drainage Gratings. If The airport …


    We have facility to produce Composite manhole cover & Drainage grating, SMC sheet, SMC manhole cover, Ductile Iron manhole cover, drainage ditch,ETC. We are also ready to developement by according to users changing needs.


    Changxing County,Huzhou City,Zhejiang,China

    Tel:+86 15268233362