SMC means Sheet molding compound,The main raw material is composed of GF(special yarn) UP(unsaturated resin) ,low shrinkage additive,MD(filler) and various auxiliaries.
The manhole cover Produced by SMC material can without steel bar but higher strength.
Because this, many high loading capacity manhole covers are aslo produced with SMC sheet.
600mm circle C250 manhole cover is aslo made of SMC without steel bar inside.

SMC moulded well cover, a new type of high strength color well cover,Advanced technology and equipment molding,The bearing capacity of the heavy manhole cover is above 400KN, far beyond the chinal standard of 240KN,Its anti – aging index far exceeds national standard,its life time is longer than the cast iron manhole cover, it is a new renewal product which can Replace other manhole covers.

Manhole cover sizes for Round Shape:
300mm,500mm,600mm,650mm,700mm,750mm, 800mm,900mm
Under the general situation of SMC composite manhole cover and BMC composite manhole cover, the weight bearing requirement of BMC composite manhole cover is not big, which is usually superior,The small green belt and other places are used, and the SMC composite manhole cover can meet the airport passing standards.

1. Security — — — — — – without any reinforcement to strengthen, there is no recycling value, completely solve the problem of stolen
2. High bearing strength – carrying capacity of more than similar products cast iron manhole cover bearing level, according to EN124 standard production, product divides the A15 B125 C250 D400
3. Environmental protection and energy saving products — — — — — no pollutants, production without a large amount of heat in the process of electricity and water
4. Adornment effect is good — – but according to customer needs, the production and use of field matching color
5. Convenient safety inspection — -product light weight, this product is only 1/3 of the weight of cast iron well cover